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Guaranteed Results with our proven Speech Methods
"I have used this system and it has changed my life.
My confidence is sky high and I am now able to do presentations fluently and eloquently with confidence.
My speech is now an asset and I am able to articulate confidently and fluently wherever and whenever I want to.
Thank you Michael for all that you have done for me."
—Professor/Medical Doctor Ismail Bhorat
8-Session Laser-Focused Coaching
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Then: $1597
Now: $997
Do You Often Struggle to Say What You Want to Say,
Especially When the Stakes Are High?
Does this sound like you...
Real Stories of Transformation
How Farrukh Mehdi's Coaching Changed Lives
"I found out the Pro90D system on YouTube, it explains why you are self-conscious and how you can transform your speech to the next level. It's not just about speech; it even transforms your life. If I tell something about why Farrukh is a very good coach, it's that he is very personalized, he understands my requirements, he is very patient, and he tracks my progress throughout the weeks and even months"
- Deepana, Roboticist
After the 3rd session, I had another interview which I applied every technique possible especially extending my speech and slowing down my speech. The interview went so well the manager said multiple time at the end of the interview “Wow this was a real good interview.”
He repeated it for five times and it appeared he kept playing it back in his head that the last time he said it he gave me a thumbs up after. I was offered the position 1 1/2 weeks later which was an increase of $34k on top of my current salary.
I am only halfway through the coaching, and I already made my investment back, and this has been honestly the best and most life-changing decision that I have ever made. If you would have seen how severe I stuttered and compare it to the manner that I speak today, you wouldn’t even believe I ever struggled to speak.
I highly recommend this program. If I can do it, anyone else can!
—David, Software Engineer
"So I've seen a lot of improvement in my speech, even though it's still work in progress, but definitely it's moving in the right direction. I'll just advise you guys to make an appointment, have a chat with him, and then take it from there. I guarantee you that there will be a lot of improvement that you'll observe, and your life will drastically improve as well." -Thabang Molefe
“Deciding to work on my speech using the Pro90D smooth speech system with Farrukh as my coach, is one of the best decisions I have made in my adult life.
Prior to this decision, my speech was a constant weight on my shoulders but today, that has ceased to be the case.
I have been able to significantly improve my speech and how I see myself as a speaker within a relatively short time and I attribute my pace of progress to working one-on-one with coach Farrukh.Having him as my coach kept me accountable and motivated. During each session, he readily shared feedback and pointers on what areas to focus on and this made the process more productive for me.In addition to being a great listener, his warm personality made working with him a pleasant experience. I highly recommend working with him.”
— Chelsea
"My speech coach, Farrukh, is a motivator. He guides me on breathing, speaking, and building confidence. With persistence and practice, I've gained clear, concise speech. The system and one-on-one coaching work wonders. Thank you, Michael, for this incredible science."
Here's Why I Perfectly Understand Your Struggles
I used to struggle pretty severely with my speech where sometimes saying even a single word was a huge issue for me, let alone participate in a conversation with someone.
This led me to hide away from various kinds of speaking situations, making myself a very shy and socially awkward person. Hence, I was made fun of and also kind of abused because of my speech.
But this was only until I discovered Michael and the Pro90d Smooth Speech System, which completely changed my speech and my life forever.
It transformed me into an amazing and excellent speaker (far above the average person) and all the stuttering and stammering just took care of itself. People started looking up to me as a speaker and I started to influence others with my speech. Then, I was further trained by Michael to become a Certified Pro90d Smooth Speech Coach and now I’m serving as one. I coach clients from around the world, helping them take their speech and their lives to the next level.
"Based on my own experience and the experience of working one on one with various kinds of clients, I know the specific steps you need to go through and hence, I can help you accelerate your progress towards smooth and confident speech, AND help you reach your goals much faster than if you work alone"
With Pro90d Laser-Focused Coaching, you can effortlessly and easily express yourself with anyone, anywhere at anytime.
Here's a great example...
"Using the Pro90D system has been life changing for me. In the past I have been someone that would be classified as a "severe stutterer" coupled with the mentality that I will always be stuck wspeaking the same way. This system has taught me that I can control the way I speak and how I speak by adopting a new speaking style.
This new speaking style has helped me develop better personal and professional relationships. I would have not had the professional opportunities that I had in my career without drastically improving my speech using this program.I have used the self study and the coaching program to expedite my progress. Having a great coach definitely makes working through the program much easier. Working with Farrukh as my coach helped me hone in much quicker on corrections that need to occur to provide smooth speech.
Farrukh is easy going and very friendly who wants to see you reach your maximum potential with smooth speech. He is an excellent listener and provides valuable feedback that become adjustments performed throughout the week. During times that you may be hitting walls with your speech he brings positivity and uplifts you to get over those hurdles. I recommend working with Farrukh as he is a very positive, happy, and supportive coach.
Why Choose Pro90d Laser-Focused Coaching?
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Coaching client Carlos shares these benefits...
We Walk With You Through These 4 Smooth Speech Phases
This Could Be You Much Sooner Than You Think
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So you too can effortlessly and easily express yourself with anyone, anywhere at anytime.
8-Session Laser-Focused Coaching
Then: $1597
Now: $997
Laser-Focused Coaching
See why people are loving their experience with Pro90D - The Ultimate Smooth Speech System
Enrolling in the one on one coaching and having Farrukh as my coach helped me be more accountable with keeping progress. With the one on one meetings, I am able to not only practice my speech with a coach but also receive instant feedback and insightful tips, and have someone who will listen how I am thinking and feeling about my progress with becoming a better speaker each week.
I recommend Farrukh as a coach because he is very positive, dependable, and encouraging. Of course he can give you practical advice and instructions like any coach but his amazing attitude and personality make you enjoy and stay motivated throughout this journey.
I've Already Seen Incredible Improvements
"The Pro90D speech system has helped me immensely in my speech improvement journey! I started working with Mr. Farrukh Mehdi about 6 weeks ago after struggling with my speech for several years. Since he has also struggled with his speech and has used the Pro90D system to overcome it, I believed that he would be a perfect coach for me, since he could guide me on how to best make use of the program. And that was the case, indeed! We are only halfway through and I have already seen incredible improvement in my speech. His guidance and the holistic nature of the Pro90D system have given me all the tools necessary to keep going and view speaking opportunities with a sense of adventure rather than dread."
I used to struggle pretty severely with my speech where sometimes saying even a single word was a huge issue for me, let alone participate in a conversation with someone.
This led me to hide away from various kinds of speaking situations, making myself a very shy and socially awkward person. Hence, I was made fun of and also kind of abused because of my speech.
But this was only until I discovered Michael and the Pro90d Smooth Speech System, which completely changed my speech and my life forever.
It transformed me into an amazing and excellent speaker (far above the average person) and all the stuttering and stammering just took care of itself. People started looking up to me as a speaker and I started to influence others with my speech.
Then, I was further trained by Michael to become a Certified Pro90d Smooth Speech Coach and now I’m serving as one. I coach clients from around the world, helping them take their speech and their lives to the next level.
Based on my own experience and the experience of working one on one with various kinds of clients, I know the specific steps you need to go through and hence, I can help you accelerate your progress towards smooth and confident speech, AND help you reach your goals much faster than if you work alone.
Deji Olabooye
You Too Can Experience Rapid Progress
"My name is Deji Olabooye, and I am from Lagos Nigeria. I work as an I.T Specialist of a multinational company. Due to the nature of my job, I usually involve in numerous speech engagements.
I, however, have certain speech challenges, which impacts my ability to communicate effectively at speaking events. People find it difficult to understand me because I speak quickly, and this has had a detrimental impact on my job.
Thankfully, I was able to find the PRO90D speech system.
PRO90D has made a tremendous impact in my speech.
Mr. Syed Farrukh, my PRO90D Coach, deserves credit for the program's overall performance.
My expectations before starting the program were exceeded, as I never imagined I could make so rapid progress. Mr. Syed Farrukh was very supportive in handholding me step by step throughout the process.
He explained the science behind my speech and persuaded me that it could be improved, regardless of how bad it was.
He doesn't simply stop in class; he also follows up on my real-life activities and gives me feedback and areas where I need to improve; this made me more aware in real time and dramatically improved my speaking.
Mr. Farrukh is an empathetic and passionate coach who understands the system from a practical standpoint. He understood my difficulties and was able to offer me advice on how to get through challenging situations and overcome speech difficulties.
Mr Farrukh is a speech coach who I recommend to anyone who has speech problems, such as stuttering, poor communication, unclear speaking, or simply wishes to enhance their speech. I tried him out, and I can attest that he improved my smooth speech tremendously."
Using the Pro90D speech system has, to put it mildly, altered the course of my life. After putting in some time and effort with Mr. Farrukh, I saw that my speech impediment, which I had previously considered a "disability," was actually only a bad habit that needed to be replaced with a healthier one. The Pro90D method was the superior routine. I spent approximately six months working on my speech, and now I'm thrilled with the results and have significantly expanded my social circle as a consequence.
Pro90d is a scientifically-based, holistic system designed to help you:
1. Smooth out your speech,
2. Change your mindset,
3. Transform your speaking identity.We know that the above is possible because:
- Speech and speaking are both habits and learnable skills.
- Disfluent speech is a way or pattern of speaking and a way of thinking.
- Using Neuroplasticity, you can change your way of speaking and thinking.
Pro90d stands for Proactive Speech In 90 Days. We often refer to
Pro90d as the Pro90d Smooth Speech System.
Pro90d or parts of the system can be delivered via online courses, private or group coaching, virtual or live workshops.
This system is based on the following five (5) bodies of knowledge:
☞Habit Formation
☞Learning Theory
☞Client Experience
☞Personal Experience
Here's a synopsis of what you'll learn. . .Your brain can be changed. With focused and consistent conscious effort you can form or strengthen neural pathways that reflect new ways of thinking and behaving. This means you can train yourself to feel more calm, calm and confident. You can learn to speak more smoothly and clearly.
Habit Formation
Speaking well is both a way of thinking and speaking. That is, by repeating certain thoughts and patterns of speech over and over in different situations you can forge a new mindset and set of beliefs about yourself and your ability to speak well. You can also develop a smoother and clearer way of speaking that becomes completely natural and automatic for you.
Learning Theory
Speaking well is a learned behavior. In fact, you learned to speak your first language by modeling those around you. It was natural and you didn't have to be taught to model, you just did it automatically. In much the same way you can use modeling to learn to speak exceptionally well.
In fact, virtually all great speakers and performers in every area of life had one or more models. Believe it or not, modeling is the fastest and easiest way to learn to speak smoothly, clearly and confidently.
If you deliberately and consistently observe someone else performing something you want to do, then you can do it too. Exceptions to this would be physical limitations or massive brain damage.
Client Experience
Science and theory are great. But actual client experience is even better. We are constantly learning from people just like you what works and what doesn't. We take this learning and roll it back into our program to make it better and better on a regular basis.
You know this system works, because people like you have tested and proven it in their own real life experiences.
Personal Experience
Because I personally stuttered and struggled with my speech for more than 20 years, I know what it feels like to feel limited, trapped and unable to say what I wanted, when I wanted, the way I wanted. I know what it's like to not be able to get air to start speaking. I know what it's like to avoid opportunities because of the fear of or anticipation of being disfluent.
But, the awesome news is that I also know what it's like to break free of that and be able to express myself in way that has transformed my speech into one of my greatest assets.
Therefore, as a person who has struggled with this for much of my life I am able to provide a unique perspective, deep insight and understanding into how you too can move your speech from a liability to one of your greatest assets.
Do You Struggle With Any of the Following:
CLOUDY MIND - You tend to get distracted by fear of judgement, failure or getting stuck on words, which causes you to lose your train of thinking.
UNCLEAR OR CONFUSING SPEECH - You tend to interrupt your self and fail to complete your thoughts.
CHOPPY SPEECH - You start and stop or run out of air while speaking.
FAST SPEECH - You speak so fast that often people ask you to repeat yourself or have a confused look on their face.
NEGATIVE ANTICIPATION - You worry about saying certain words in: meetings, conversations, on the phone, or about introducing yourself, or ordering coffee or food.
ANXIOUSNESS AND RUSHED FEELINGS - You consistently feel rushed, anxious, nervous or tense in your stomach, chest or throat.
SPEECH BLOCKS - You are unable to say certain words or letters when you want or need to.
REPETITIONS - You repeat words over and over and over again until they finally come out.
INVOLUNTARY BODY MOVEMENTS - You move your arms, legs, head, face, blink or lips in an embarrassing and seemingly uncontrollable manner.
Yes. If you can understand English, can learn new skills and develop new habits, this system can work for you.
The key to making it work is to focus on develop the 5 critical habits that will get you the results you want. You can download that guide here.
We can only guarantee that the system works. However, we cannot guarantee that you will do the work. We have done and will continue to do everything humanly possible to make this process as easy-to-follow as possible. The one thing we cannot do is make you committed or make you do the necessary work.
This process can be compared to mastering a second language. If you really wanted to, you could learn and become very fluent in a second language (barring serious brain injury) couldn't you? You would have to learn and use the new language on regular basis; and if you wanted to accelerate the process, completely immerse yourself, right?
On the other hand, if you didn't study, learn or consistently practice both in private and public the new language, you probably would not become fluent.
Learning to speak smoothly, clearly and confidently follows the same principles. You are virtually guaranteed to get pretty amazing results if you trust the process and put the time and effort in.
To minimize your risk we purposely provide tons of free, high quality resources for you try. You'll be able to determine if this approach will work for you before you ever make single purchase. In fact, we prefer that you try before you buy so that once you do invest in your speech you'll feel extremely confident that the Ultimate Smooth Speech System is the perfect approach to help you achieve the results you desire.
All of the being said, we are so confident in the system (as long as you follow it) that you'll see a market increase in smoothness and confidence within 14 days or so. If you have followed the daily routine and completed the Daily Routine Tracker each day, and don't see any improvement at all, we'll give you a 100% refund.
If you do the work, you can expect minimally, the following results:
-Feel more confident about speaking with others.
-Get started speaking easier.
-Feel more relaxed, calm and at ease while you speak.
-Articulate your thoughts more smoothly and clearly.
-Stop thinking about speaking, and start communicating your thoughts and ideas.
-Speak so that people enjoy listening to you.
-Make more powerful, captivating and persuasive presentations.
This is a great question, and the answer is, it depends on the severity of the speech and how much time and effort you devote to the process. On average I see people begin to experience noticeable changes in their confidence and speech in 1-2 weeks.
By week 3 we see more consistent changes.Between weeks 6 and 8 we see dramatic changes from when the person first started.
Furthermore, these changes continue to increase as long as the client continues to get out and speak, just like one would experience in mastering a new language.
The more you use it, the more fluent you become.Studies show that it can take as little as 18 days to form a new simple habit pattern.
The average time is 66 days and could take 254 days or longer for more complex habit patterns.
Remember, these times are for making the new pattern automatic (when one reaches automaticity) where one doesn't have to think about it anymore.However, as I mentioned above, we see our clients form new thinking and speaking patterns (a repeated or regular way in which something is done) in as little as 3 weeks. To make these patterns habitual, you should expect it to take several months of consistent usage.
No, absolutely not. We have many clients who do not consider themselves stutterers and do not stutter at all.
However, they want to improve:
>How they communicate under pressure.
>How they articulate their thoughts.
>How smooth and rhythmic they speak.
>Their self-confidence.
>Their presentation skills.
Many of our clients are multilingual, speak really fast and therefore find it challenging to clearly articulate their thoughts.
They understand the impact and value excellent communication skills have on their personal and professional lives. So, they choose Pro90d to help them get lasting results as quickly as possible.
You can book a private call with Farrukh, Pro90d Certified Speech Coach to get your questions answered in person
Or, Book a Call With Michael Williams, Pro90d Founder & Speech Coach
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