Work With Us One-On-On

Plus Get Instant Access to The PRO90D ULTIMATE SMOOTH SPEECH SYSTEM™ & All The Bonuses!

Here's What You Will Be Getting!

8-Session Laser-Focused Coaching

  • You get (8) 30-minute laser-focused coaching sessions, one session every week, plus one 30-45 minute orientation.
  • Complete access to our powerful and practical video and audio training sessions accessible via your browser of choice and a separate mobile app (Value = $499.00)
  • 90 Daily Email Reminders
  • Daily Blueprint of Activities Checklist Tracker so you can check and track your practices
  • Daily Blueprint of Activities PDF Download
  • Smooth Speech & Confidence Tracker so you can track your progress daily or weekly
  • BONUS: Occasional Live Orientations - Q&A sessions (Value = $299.00)
  • BONUS: Complete access to our Passive Learning Power Program Package (Value = $97.00)
  • BONUS: How to Retrain Your Brain - Video and Audio (Value = $69.00)
  • BONUS: Complete access to our Ultimate Presentation System - Video and Audio Versions (Value = $99.00)
  • Exclusive membership to our private Pro90d Slack Group (Value = $99.00)
  • Access to a searchable Q&A resource library
  • Access to my personal "Super Helpful Resource" list. (Value = Invaluable) Total = $299

Then: $1597

Now: $997..

Please fill in the Order form Below!


Laser-Focused Coaching

  • Smooth Speech System Membership Area
  • Step-by-Step Video & Audio Trainings
  • Daily Reminder PDF, Trackers and Checklist
  • Private Pro90d Slack Group
  • Our Insider Resources Library
  • Direct Access to Me in Group Settings
  • FREE BONUS: Ultimate Presentation System
  • FREE BONUS: Retrain Your Brain
  • FREE BONUS: Passive Learning Power Program
  • FREE BONUS: Confident Speakers Success System
  • FREE BONUS: Soundwise Mobile Audio App so you can listen on the go

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The Pr90d Ultimate Smooth Speech System - Self-Study and or Private Coaching Agreement

Please review this agreement. Please understand that it is does constitute a legal contractual agreement. The email header which includes your IP address and name is as legally binding as your signature.

This is an agreement between

Your Full Name:

The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC

Email to use to contact coach:

Terminology: For self-study products, client shall interpret coaching sessions or related words to mean the guidance he/she receives from the audio, video or written content contained in the program.

Program Format and Fees

Client receives: (See attached package details)

The package investment: As agreed upon on your order form.

If for any reasons Client decides that the program is not suitable for any reason Client shall understand that they shall not be due a refund unless otherwise specified on the website.

When the client requests a refund the client shall have completed all worksheets available in the course.

Please note, that all coaching packages are exempt from refunds.

For the Private Coaching Option:

Client receives: (See attached package details)

Before the first session, Client agrees to complete a detailed questionnaire, to be provided by Coach.

All sessions will be done via and at mutually agreed times.

During our time together, Coach may give Client homework assignments for Client to complete prior to the following session.

The package commences on the payment date and ends after the number of agreed upon sessions have been fulfilled.

The package investment: As agreed upon in our communication.

Client authorizes Coach to make charges to credit per the above payment schedule. 
All amounts are in US Dollars

Client may choose to continue the relationship after the program specified period is over, at a preferential rate that will be agreed upon together with Coach.

If for any reason Client chose to discontinue the relationship before having completed the package, the package shall not be refunded.

If for any reasons Client decides that the program is not suitable for any reasons Client shall understand that they shall not be due a refund.

Coaching Ground Rules

Program sessions may take place between 11AM and 8pm EST, Monday, Tuesday, Weds and Friday.

There will be no refund or rescheduling for sessions missed by Client without prior notice.

Client sets the agenda prior to and during each session via the information contained in the Speech Tracker Worksheet submitted before the meeting and questions asked during each meeting (Applies to Coaching only).

After each session, Client records action steps and insights.

Client agrees to complete all action steps that he/she has self-determined, before the next coaching session.

If either Client or Coach needs to reschedule a session due to an unavoidable conflict or illness, each will give the other at least 24 hours’ notice prior to a session to reschedule (unless it is a true emergency).

Both Client and Coach agree that some sessions may be recorded as a video recording. Recordings may only be used and accessed by Client and Coach, and will not be provided to other parties unless by written agreement.


Information shared in coaching sessions is confidential and not shared outside the session unless mutually agreed upon, and documented in writing by Coach. The only exception to this procedure would be in a situation where Coach is required by law to make a disclosure, or where Coach has a good-faith belief that disclosure of information is necessary to comply with the law, to protect Coach's rights or property, to avoid harm to Coach, Client or anyone 
else, or to respond to an emergency. In such situations, disclosure would be limited to essential information.

It is understood that coaching sessions are not therapy sessions, or psychological counseling sessions, nor will any coaching sessions be a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment. Furthermore, Client will not use any coaching sessions in place of diagnosis, treatment or therapy. Client will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, or family matters. Client understands that all decisions in these areas are exclusively his/hers, and Coach acknowledges that decisions and actions regarding them are Client's sole responsibility.

Client further acknowledges that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association, and Client understands that Coach is neither an employment agent, financial analyst, mental health practitioner, business manager, legal advisor, licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist nor medical doctor.

Client understands and agrees that he/she is fully responsible for his/her physical, mental and emotional well-being during all coaching sessions, including choices and decisions made both during and after the sessions.

Except as expressly provided in this agreement, the Coach makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. Client agrees to utilize coaching services with the full understanding that Coach and its employees and volunteers are in no way liable for the Client’s decisions, actions and outcomes. Client also agrees to hold Coach and its employees and volunteers free of all liability and responsibility for any adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of a specific referral, advice given or any actions taken while working with or as a direct result with Coach.

Client understands that "coaching" is a professional-client relationship with a coach that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals, and to develop as well as carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals. Client acknowledges that deciding how to handle these goals, incorporate coaching into those goals, and implement these goals is exclusively his/her responsibility.

Client promises that if he/she is currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that he/she has consulted with the mental health care provider regarding the advisability of working with a coach, and that this person is aware of the decision to proceed with Coaching relationship.

This is the entire agreement of the parties, and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. This agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations.

Client’s signature on this agreement or email accepting of this agreement indicates full understanding of, consent to and acceptance of the terms of this agreement. Client indicates his/her agreement by ticking I agree.

Conditions of Sale

General conditions of sale (The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC)

Article 1: Scope of application

These general conditions of sale apply to all transactions concluded through the websites of the The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC network. Is considered as "client" any natural or legal person making with the company The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC an order validated via our secure payment platform, or by check or cash.

Article 1a: Age limit

Age restrictions apply: The company The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC only accepts clients over 16 years old (for physical and electronic products) and over 18 years old (for services: coaching, workshops, seminars). We do our best to restrict access to our sites, products and services to minors. Even if the content of our products and services is not of a shocking nature, we prefer to target a mature audience capable of understanding the implications and responsibilities of the business world. Any subscriber to the newsletter who does not meet these criteria (age over 16) will be immediately deleted from our database as soon as this is brought to our attention. Likewise, any customer who does not meet these criteria will be immediately reimbursed and a return of the product (s) concerned will be required.

Article 2: Order

Any order placed on a site belonging to the company The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC implies full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

Article 3: Price

The prices are indicated in euros all taxes included (at the rate of French VAT 20%), excluding shipping and processing of your order. The price of items can be changed at any time. However, the price applied to an order will be that announced at the time of the order.

Article 4: Payment

Payment is due immediately on the date of the order, including for pre-order products. You can pay by credit card. Cards issued by banks domiciled outside France must be international bank cards (Mastercard or Visa). We do not accept American Express. Secure online payment by credit card is made through the company Stripe. The information transmitted is encrypted by software in the rules of the art and cannot be read during transport over the network. Any guarantee as to the security of this system is entirely the responsibility of the company Stripe and cannot be attributed to us.

Article 5: Delivery

Delivery is made to the address you specified when placing your order (therefore, pay particular attention to the spelling of the address you enter and especially the postal code). The risks will be your responsibility from the date on which the ordered products have left our premises. However, in the event of a lost package, we will do everything necessary so that you still receive your product or that you are reimbursed according to your warranty.

Article 6: Protection of personal data

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify personal data concerning you. We declare all of our files to the National Commission for Data Protection. By adhering to these general conditions of sale, you acknowledge having read our personal data protection policy and consent to our collection and use of this data. By entering your email address on one of our network sites, you will receive emails containing information and / or promotional offers concerning products published by the company The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC or by other partners. You can unsubscribe at any time. You just have to click on the link at the end of our emails. This link is preceded by the words “To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:” (understand: to unsubscribe or change your registration options, click below).

Our newsletter is declared to the CNIL under the number NUMEROCNIL and respects the Data Protection Act. Article 10: Applicable law All the clauses appearing in the present general conditions of sale, as well as all the operations of purchase and sale which are referred to therein, will be subject to French law.

Article 7: Company information The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC

The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC is a company incorporated under U.S. law, the address of which is:

The Start Speaking Training Center, LLC

10810 Boyette Road


Riverview, Florida, 33569


See what other members are saying about us

See why people are loving their experience with

Pro90d - ULTIMATE Smooth Speech System™

Thabang Molefe

"So I've seen a lot of improvement in my speech, even though it's still work in progress, but definitely it's moving in the right direction. I'll just advise you guys to make an appointment, have a chat with him, and then take it from there. I guarantee you that there will be a lot of improvement that you'll observe, and your life will drastically improve as well."


"I found out the Pro90D system on YouTube, it explains why you are self-conscious and how you can transform your speech to the next level. It's not just about speech; it even transforms your life. If I tell something about why Farrukh is a very good coach, it's that he is very personalized, he understands my requirements, he is very patient, and he tracks my progress throughout the weeks and even months"


Using the Pro90D speech system has, to put it mildly, altered the course of my life. After putting in some time and effort with Mr. Farrukh, I saw that my speech impediment, which I had previously considered a "disability," was actually only a bad habit that needed to be replaced with a healthier one. The Pro90D method was the superior routine. I spent approximately six months working on my speech, and now I'm thrilled with the results and have significantly expanded my social circle as a consequence.


We're here to help!

​​Improving your speech involves more than just learning speaking tips, tricks, techniques and strategies. It’s about addressing the core of why you speak, think and feel the way you do now. This requires you to not try to fix how you speak now, but to replace it.

Stop Losing Countless Professional, Personal and Social Opportunities Because of Your Speech


Join us and talk so that your audience listens, speak with energy and enthusiasm, speak with confidence and speak with joy!​​

Click to enroll and become the confident speaker you've always wanted to be today!

Will This Program Actually Work for Me?

Yes. If you can understand English, can learn new skills and develop new habits, this system can work for you.

The key to making it work is to focus on develop the 5 critical habits that will get you the results you want. You can download that guide here.

Can You Guarantee Results?

We can only guarantee that the system works. However, we cannot guarantee that you will do the work. We have done and will continue to do everything humanly possible to make this process easy-to-follow as possible. The one thing we cannot do is make you committed.

This process can be compared to mastering a second language. If you really wanted to, you could learn and become very fluent in a second language (barring serious brain injury) couldn't you? You would have to learn and use the new language on regular basis; and if you wanted to accelerate the process, completely immerse yourself, right?

On the other hand, if you didn't study, learn or consistently practice both in private and public the new language, you probably would not master it.

Learning to speak smoothly, clearly and confidently follows the same principles. You are virtually guaranteed to get pretty amazing results if you trust the process and put the time and effort in.

To minimize your risk we purposely provide tons of free, high quality resources for you try. You'll be able to determine if this approach will work for you before you ever make single purchase. In fact, we prefer that you try before you buy so that once you do invest in your speech you'll feel extremely confident that the Ultimate Smooth Speech System is the perfect approach to help you achieve the results you desire.

As a result of all of our efforts to ensure that you've chosen the right product, we hope you understand that we do not provide refunds for our private coaching.

If you do the work, you can expect minimally, the following results:

-Feel more confident about speaking with others.

-Get started speaking easier.

-Feel more relaxed, calm and at ease while you speak.

-Articulate your thoughts more smoothly and clearly.

-Stop thinking about speaking, and start communicating your thoughts and ideas.

-Speak so that people enjoy listening to you.

-Make more powerful, captivating and persuasive presentations.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

This is a great question, and the answer is, it depends on the severity of the speech and how much time and effort you devote to the process. On average I see people begin to experience noticeable changes in their confidence and speech in 1-2 weeks.

By week 3 we see more consistent changes.Between weeks 6 and 8 we see dramatic changes from when the person first started.

Furthermore, these changes continue to increase as long as the client continues to get out and speak, just like one would experience in mastering a new language.

The more you use it, the more fluent you become.Studies show that it can take as little as 18 days to form a new simple habit pattern.

The average time is 66 days and could take 254 days or longer for more complex habit patterns.

Remember, these times are for making the new pattern automatic (when one reaches automaticity) where one doesn't have to think about it anymore.However, as I mentioned above, we see our clients form new thinking and speaking patterns (a repeated or regular way in which something is done) in as little as 3 weeks. To make these patterns habitual, you should expect it to take several months of consistent usage.

What's the Science Behind the System?

This system is based on the following five (5) bodies of knowledge:


☞Habit Formation

☞Learning Theory

☞Client Experience

☞Personal Experience


Here's a synopsis of what you'll learn. . .Your brain can be changed. With focused and consistent conscious effort you can form or strengthen neural pathways that reflect new ways of thinking and behaving. This means you can train yourself to feel more calm, calm and confident. You can learn to speak more smoothly and clearly.

Habit Formation

Speaking well is both a way of thinking and speaking. That is, by repeating certain thoughts and patterns of speech over and over in different situations you can forge a new mindset and set of beliefs about yourself and your ability to speak well. You can also develop a smoother and clearer way of speaking that becomes completely natural and automatic for you.

Learning Theory

Speaking well is a learned behavior. In fact, you learned to speak your first language by modeling those around you. It was natural and you didn't have to be taught to model, you just did it automatically. In much the same way you can use modeling to learn to speak exceptionally well.

In fact, virtually all great speakers and performers in every area of life had one or more models. Believe it or not, modeling is the fastest and easiest way to learn to speak smoothly, clearly and confidently.

If you deliberately and consistently observe someone else performing something you want to do, then you can do it too. Exceptions to this would be physical limitations or massive brain damage.

Client Experience

Science and theory are great. But actual client experience is even better. We are constantly learning from people just like you what works and what doesn't. We take this learning and roll it back into our program to make it better and better on a regular basis.

You know this system works, because people like you have tested and proven it in their own real life experiences.

Personal Experience

Because I personally stuttered and struggled with my speech for more than 20 years, I know what it feels like to feel limited, trapped and unable to say what I wanted, when I wanted, the way I wanted. I know what it's like to not be able to get air to start speaking. I know what it's like to avoid opportunities because of the fear of or anticipation of being disfluent.

But, the awesome news is that I also know what it's like to break free of that and be able to express myself in way that has transformed my speech into one of my greatest assets.

Therefore, as a person who has struggled with this for much of my life I am able to provide a unique perspective, deep insight and understanding into how you too can move your speech from a liability to one of your greatest assets.

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